Are You Taking Statin Drugs? If So, You Need this Supplement
You’re home from the doctor; a packet of information in one hand and a prescription bottle in the other.
You’re on strict orders to lower your fat and carbohydrate intake. Plus, add exercise to your daily routine.
We’re sorry to say; you’re not done yet.
If your primary care doctor prescribed a statin drug, such as Lipitor®, Zocor®, or the like, you need to check your coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) levels.
While your body will produce less CoQ10 as you age, you’re at a higher risk of depletion when you take statin drugs.
When this depletion occurs, the side effects of statin drugs can increase.
Those side effects include:
Your body makes CoQ10 naturally. In short, it’s the Energizer bunny to your cells.
Your cells need the energy to repair, build, and fight off intrusion. On any given day, muscle fibers break down and rebuild to get stronger. Old cells are shuffled out the door, and new cells move in.
But, when your CoQ10 levels go down, the whole system begins to collapse.
You’ll notice when you’re in short supply of CoQ10. It’ll affect your mobility — your knees might collapse, or you might experience joint pain.
To replenish CoQ10, you can try adding oily fish and organ meats (like beef liver) to your diet. Or, you can take a supplement.
CoQ10 is readily available. We won’t go into how to choose a supplement today, but you can read this post for quick tips.
CoQ10 comes in two forms: ubiquinol, the active antioxidant form, and ubiquinone, the oxidized form.
Some might argue ubiquinol is a better supplement. Basically, it saves your body one step in the breakdown process. Price wise, there’s no difference. We suggest speaking with your doctor to see which option (and what dosage) would be right for you.
When you take statin drugs, you’re improving one thing but taking away the benefit of another. But, it’s important not to be leary of taking statin drugs.
If you add CoQ10, you can protect yourself from the depletion and enjoy the benefit of strong muscles and a healthy heart.
However, we do recommend seeking more in-depth testing if your primary doctor suggests statin drugs. A cardiologist can perform a higher level of testing to see what would be the best plan for your body — and statin drugs might not be a beneficial option.
Your physician might also recommend following up with additional blood work. It’s essential you do this, so you know your liver is functioning well.
Many of our patients book a consultation with us after a physical exam with their primary care doctor. We help people make sense of their lab work and create a customized plan that treats the whole body.
If you’ve been prescribed statin drugs and are concerned about your CoQ10 levels, schedule a free consultation with us today and we’ll talk to you about the options you have for maintaining quality of life.