3 Ways to Reconnect With Your Significant Other

Believe it or not, it’s quite normal to drift apart from your significant other. However, it’s important to remember that just because you feel disconnected in the moment — or even for a couple of months — it doesn’t mean it will last forever. Plenty of couples go through rough patches due to a variety of reasons, including parenting conflicts, financial stress, or sexual dysfunction. When life gets busy, it can feel easier to ignore your problems than take the time to overcome them. But before you throw in the towel, consider these tips.


You prioritize work meetings enough to add them to your calendar, so why not do the same for time with your significant other? Choose a day each month for something special for just the two of you — whether it be breakfast at the local diner, a trip to the bookstore, or drinks downtown. Then create a recurring invite on your calendar so it doesn’t slip your mind. Rekindling romance doesn’t require fancy gifts, it takes connection; and the best way to do that is through quality, one-on-one time. So while you’re at it, be sure to tuck your phone away during the date so you can be truly present with your partner.


Once we settle into our routines, it can become challenging to converse with your significant other outside of the normal topics about the house, kids, or work. Deep questions may have been replaced with “How was your day?”, followed by short, routine responses. To overcome this, challenge each other to start unique conversations during dinner or share what you’re most grateful for each night before bed. Not only will these simple tactics keep you tuned into your significant other emotionally, it will also open the communication between you — helping you more effectively navigate potential conflict down the road.


Noticed your partner had a busy day at work? Offer to give them a foot rub. Dealing with the issue of sexual dysfunction? Be a listening ear and offer to sit down with a professional. Find them rushing around to get ready in the morning? Pack their lunch with a sweet note. By taking time out of your day to do these thoughtful, but not time-consuming acts, you show them not only that they are noticed, but appreciated. And at the end of the day, that’s all anyone could ask for. In fact, the old saying, “what you appreciate, appreciates” rings true. Be willing to take the initiative and know that the generous acts you give will likely be returned to you.

Like most anything in life, relationships will have periods of disconnect. But when you find yourself weathering the storm, go back to the reasons you fell in love with your significant other in the beginning. Be willing to be the first to take initiative and show up for your partner. You’re in this together after all. And we’re here to support you along the way.

Ready to bring balance and vitality back into your life? Connect with us online or give us a call 901-312-7899.

A Year in Review: Coronavirus and Your Mental Health

A little over a year into the pandemic and many of us still feel a sense of anxiety. Odds are, you know someone who was diagnosed with COVID-19, perhaps even yourself. But beyond the physical symptoms of the virus lies the mental health crisis. Whether you’ve faced financial hardship, experienced the virus firsthand, know someone who lost their battle to COVID-19, or feel weary about the vaccine — these are all valid concerns. And how we cope with the stress is important.

According to a recent survey conducted by the American Psychological Association, nearly 1 in 4 adults have turned to alcohol consumption as a way to manage their stress during the pandemic. 61 percent of adults have experienced undesired weight changes. 47 percent reported delaying or canceling health care services in the last year — meaning they didn’t receive the proactive care they need to stay healthy. These numbers are overwhelming, but not surprising. Here are some tips to help you regain focus on your mental health and overcome stress.

Support your adrenals

To understand how your body reacts to stress, look at your adrenals. Your adrenal glands produce stress hormones like cortisol during times of distress. If your adrenals are constantly working overtime to produce this hormone — meaning you’re under chronic stress for an extended period of time — additional symptoms may follow. To avoid triggering your cortisol levels to spike, swap any high-intensity workouts for low-impact exercises like yoga and stretching or walking. As the weather gets warmer, get outdoors for a hike or some yard work.

Manage your weight

When we’re under an immense amount of stress, we may experience unwanted fluctuations in our weight. This has to do with numerous factors, including lack of sleep and oftentimes, overeating as a result of those high cortisol levels. Instead of adding more stress to your life by trying to lose those extra pounds, shift your focus to maintaining your current weight instead. Caffeine, gluten, alcohol, saturated fats, and processed sugar can irritate the body so try introducing more anti-inflammatory foods that are high in antioxidants instead. This includes broccoli, kale, grapefruit, avocados, and cauliflower. These foods help support your adrenals and ultimately, reduce your stress. Combined with daily exercise, eating a well-balanced diet will help you stay healthy and feel your best.

Make the day yours

Masks, social distancing, and a work-from-home lifestyle may have become the norm for now, but that doesn’t mean these changes to your daily schedule will last forever. If it has been challenging to stay grounded during the pandemic, add something you look forward to into your daily routine. Consider introducing meditation to your morning or ending each day with a cup of tea. Doing so will allow you to be more intentional with your time and protect your sanity.

Ready to bring balance and vitality back into your life? Connect with us online or give us a call (901) 312-7899.

How to Boost Your Libido in 2021

As you age, it’s natural for your body to experience a decrease in estrogen and progesterone, as well as testosterone levels. But you don’t have to let the number of candles on your cake determine how you live. If you’re struggling with low sex drive, we have several tips to help you boost your libido, find balance and bring vitality back into your life.

Understand the symptoms

For both men and women, hormones play a key role in sexual health. As part of the endocrine system, hormones regulate our sexual functioning, among other things. When these levels are imbalanced, low libido is often one of the symptoms. But it’s not the only one. Oftentimes, when our libido is low, we may also feel moody, have difficulty sleeping, and experience low energy.

Find a solution

Over-the-counter medications are helpful, but there are several ways to naturally improve your libido. For instance, herbs and minerals like Maca, Korean Red Ginseng and Zinc are believed to be natural supplements to boost libido for men. For women experiencing sexual dysfunction, pelvic floor physical therapy may be helpful. While these options may not replace over-the-counter medications, they can certainly enhance them. Combined with Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT), you can be on your way to a better sex life. As always, consult your doctor to ensure the correct supplement dosage.

Everyone is different, so your health plan should be too. But there are a few things we can all do to work towards balance and vitality on our own. Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet is the first place to start. Swap caffeine and processed foods for whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, and healthy fats. Getting enough exercise is also key to maintaining healthy hormone levels. Whether you take your workout outdoors or inside the gym, aim for 30 minutes of movement a day. Lastly, practice healthy sleep habits. Missing out on a good night’s sleep can dramatically impact hormone levels and you’ll see that reflected in your mood, appetite, stress levels, and more.

Ready to bring balance and vitality back into your life? Connect with us online or text us at (901) 312-7899.

How to Support Your Adrenals and Feel Less Stressed

The concept of burnout has been a hot topic recently. With ongoing stress around COVID-19 and the political climate, it’s no wonder so many of us feel overwhelmed. In addition, you may be experiencing stress from work or personal challenges. Understanding how your body reacts to these stressors can help. And it all starts with your adrenals.

Your adrenal glands produce stress hormones like cortisol during times of distress. Now, in the midst of a crisis, this response can be helpful because it increases your heart rate and helps you spring into action. However, if your adrenals are constantly working overtime to produce cortisol — meaning you’re under chronic stress for an extended period of time — long-term fatigue, mood swings, and increased inflammation may follow. These symptoms can have a serious impact on your overall health, potentially leading to diabetes, high blood pressure, or anxiety.

Here are four ways to lower your stress hormones, support your adrenals and feel better:

Hit the pause button

Meditation can have incredibly positive effects on the mind and body. Not only is it known to lower your stress hormones, but it can also decrease your blood pressure and reduce inflammation in the body. The best part? Meditation is for everyone. All you need is an open mind and a relaxing, comfortable spot that’s free of distraction. Before you start, know that there is no right or wrong way to feel during meditation. It’s your practice. Focus on deep inhales and long, slow exhales, and practice consistently. Even just 15 minutes a day can make a positive impact on your adrenal glands and overall well being!

Move slowly and intentionally

Those high intensity interval workouts you’ve been doing may help you feel less stressed, but you could actually be triggering your cortisol levels to spike. HIIT puts our bodies in “fight or flight” mode, causing the adrenals to work overtime. If you can, avoid strenuous workouts and switch to low-impact exercises like yoga and stretching, walking, and lifting light weights. A regular yoga and stretching practice can reduce muscle fatigue, increase blood circulation, and help restore your mind. Or, if you choose to do a combination of walking and light weighted exercises, you will be well on your way to a balanced lifestyle.

Spend time outdoors

As the weather gets warmer, there will be plenty of opportunities to enjoy the outdoors. Hiking, playing tag in the backyard with your grandkids, or doing yard work are a few forms of movements you can do while you soak up some Vitamin D. Best of all, outdoor activity helps reduce stress and anxiety, fight depression, and promote overall wellbeing.

Focus on your diet

You certainly don’t need to detox regularly, but take a good look at how you can improve your diet to support the adrenal glands. Various foods and beverages including caffeine, gluten, alcohol, saturated fats, and processed sugar can irritate the body— leading to an imbalance. Try introducing more anti-inflammatory foods that are high in antioxidants, like broccoli, kale, grapefruit, avocados, and cauliflower to help lower stress and support your adrenals.


Ready to bring balance and vitality back into your life? Connect with us online or text us at (901) 312-7899.

Setting Achievable New Year’s Resolutions for 2021

2020 was unlike any other, so it’s not surprising if your New Year’s resolutions for 2021 look a bit different. With the unexpected challenges we’ve endured throughout the last ten months, you may feel anxious or stressed as you approach the new year. And while it’s easy to focus your energy on self-improvement — making promises to work out, eat healthier, and be more productive in the new year — it’s important to give yourself some grace. Here are three tips to setting achievable New Year’s resolutions for 2021:

Tip #1: Start small

If nothing else, 2020 taught us how important it is to live a healthy lifestyle. But before you start jotting down a list of fitness and nutrition to do’s, think about what kinds of intentions you want to set and start small. For instance, if your goal is to run a marathon, consider committing instead to walking or jogging one mile per day, then working your way up without the pressure of racing on a specific date. That way, you won’t burn yourself out or get discouraged too quickly. If you want to go vegan, try incorporating meatless Mondays into your routine, then perhaps moving to a vegetarian diet before making the jump to vegan. The same is true for things we want to stop doing in our daily life— perhaps smoking or consuming alcohol. Quitting cold turkey can sometimes have the opposite effect in terms of success, causing you to bounce back to old habits when it gets overwhelming. To avoid this, cut back slowly with small changes like only drinking on weekends. You may also benefit from a natural detox to hit your body’s reset button.

Tip #2: Be present

In times of distress, we often look for distractions to shift our focus from what’s actually going on in our daily lives. Particularly in 2020, you may have found your phone usage increased, or that you feel less productive, even though technically you have more time at home than ever before. Whether it’s putting a halt to the endless scrolling on your phone every morning or introducing a mindfulness practice of yoga and meditation, focusing on the present moment lowers stress hormones. And when we feel less stressed, we sleep better, have improved memory, and experience less health problems down the road.

Tip #3: Make adjustments

You may have started with a specific goal, but later realized it wasn’t realistic. It’s never too late to change your resolutions, so cut yourself some slack and start fresh. Perhaps your original plan was to train for a marathon, later realizing you don’t like running. The best way to succeed at a movement-focused goal is to find something you can enjoy doing. So if it’s not running, you may try an online HIIT, dance, or yoga class. And if exercise doesn’t turn out to be your focus for the new year, shift to something else you can control, like swapping out toxic products around your home — from skincare to cleaning supplies.

Ready to bring balance and vitality back into your life? Connect with us online or text us at (901) 312-7899.

Concerned About Your Vitamin and Nutrient Intake? Here Are 6 Supplements That Can Help

Even the healthiest of diets can lack the vitamins and nutrients your body needs. And as we age, it becomes more important to get the right amount. That’s what makes supplements so beneficial. But as you navigate the flu season amid the COVID-19 pandemic, it can be difficult to know which to prioritize. What brands are reliable? What dosage should you take? How do you avoid added fillers and harmful ingredients?

Before you head to the store — whether it be online or in-person — read through our list of recommendations to guide you along the way. As always, consult with your primary care physician or nutritionist before starting a new supplement. Above all else, it’s important to choose supplements with safe ingredients.

Supplement #1: Vitamin D

One of the key ways to build and maintain healthy bones lies in our bodies ability to absorb calcium, which isn’t easy without vitamin D. While it may seem like we get plenty of exposure to vitamin D through sunlight, it’s actually one of the most common deficiencies in the world. Among its many benefits, vitamin D supports your immune system, which has never been more important.

Supplement #2: Vitamin K2

Unfamiliar with vitamin K2? You’re not alone. Like vitamin D, this nutrient can play a role in maintaining strong bones by metabolizing calcium. Beyond that though, it is a key component in preventing blood clots and improving your heart health.

Supplement #3: Probiotics

Do you experience gastrointestinal symptoms like bloating, gas, constipation or diarrhea? Evaluating your gut may help you find the root problem. Probiotics are a great way to balance the bacteria in your digestive tract and are especially important if you struggle with any of the symptoms mentioned above. Some brands of yogurt and kombucha have added probiotics to their list of ingredients, but if you don’t consume these products on a daily basis, a supplement may be helpful. Probiotics also support your immune system, helping you fight off illnesses quicker.

Supplement #4: Fish Oil

Unless you eat foods like salmon or tuna a couple of times a week, you likely aren’t getting enough omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. One of the many benefits of taking a fish oil supplement is its ability to reduce the risk of heart disease or manage the symptoms if you’ve already been diagnosed. In addition, it can aid in managing depression, Alzheimer’s, high cholesterol, and even arthritis.

Supplement #5: Turmeric/curcumin

The famous spice that gives curry its yellow coloring isn’t just flavorful. The power of this herb has the potential to prevent issues like heart disease and Alzheimer’s. And when added to your daily routine, it serves as an antioxidant that can reduce inflammation. So as we head into the winter months when inflammation in the body is typically high, a turmeric supplement can do just the trick.

Supplement #6: Coenzyme Q10/Ubiquinol

Like many nutrients, our bodies naturally produce Coenzyme Q10, which acts as an antioxidant. But as we age, it’s common for these levels to decrease. It may not be a quick fix, but taking this supplement over time can help with fatigue by replenishing cellular energy. It also has the potential to improve diabetes and reduce migraines. 

If you’re over the age of 50, there are several other supplements you may want to consider taking. Always consult with your primary care physician or nutritionist with any questions before starting a new supplement.

Ready to bring balance and vitality back into your life? Connect with us online or text us at (901) 312-7899.

3 Tips to Improve Your Gut Health and Feel Your Best

Bloating. Heartburn. Gas. If you’ve ever experienced digestive issues, you know how frustrating the symptoms can be. The good news is that making a few adjustments to your lifestyle can improve your gut health and get you back to feeling your best.

Tip #1: Evaluate your diet for potential food sensitivities

When it comes to gut issues, the phrase “everything in moderation” doesn’t always apply. Food sensitivities may be your body’s way of telling you something is off and eliminating certain things from your diet can make all the difference. Caffeine, gluten, alcohol, saturated fats, and processed sugar irritate the gut and can lead to symptoms like bloat, gas or cramping. These digestive problems are no fun and if left untreated can lead to a myriad of health issues. To figure out the root cause of your digestive issues, you may want to try eliminating inflammatory foods from your diet for several months.

Once you notice a change in your symptoms, slowly reintroduce one food at a time to find the culprit. It’s always beneficial to eat more anti-inflammatory foods like broccoli, kale, grapefruit, avocados, and cauliflower. Another thing we don’t always get enough of is fiber, which keeps the digestive system clean and healthy by easing bowel movements. Treat these lifestyle changes as an opportunity to kickstart healthy eating. If you need ideas, take advantage of meal delivery services or scroll through Pinterest for quick and easy recipes.

Tip #2: Manage your stress levels

There’s a reason why you may get a headache or experience high blood pressure when you’re stressed: The mind and body are incredibly connected. And the gut is no exception. The gastrointestinal tract responds to our emotions by triggering symptoms. That’s why if you feel anxious or angry, you may also feel nauseous. So how can we overcome these roadblocks to achieve optimal health?

  • •Movement and meditation are the perfect pair when it comes to lowering your stress hormones. To stay committed, add a morning meditation practice and an online yoga class into your daily schedule.
  • If you work inside an office or at home, you may start to feel confined to those four walls. Spending time outdoors can help you recharge, so make it a priority to get some steps in throughout the day or perhaps eat your lunch outside for some vitamin D.
  • Adults should aim to get 6-8 hours of sleep per night, but that’s not always manageable. Practice good sleep hygiene by removing technology from your bedroom. If you feel anxious before bed, make a cup of tea or journal to calm your mind.

Tip #3: Consult with a health care provider

If you’re on a journey to improve your gut health and feel better, getting an expert’s opinion is crucial. Your health care provider can give guidance on next steps — whether that be supplements or a more specific diet. L-glutamine, prebiotics and probiotics are just a few supplements that can support the lifestyle changes you’re already making. A professional can also help uncover underlying issues like SIBO, IBS, and leaky gut. The sooner you find out the root cause of your gut issues, the sooner you can get back to feeling your best.

Ready to bring balance and vitality back into your life? Connect with us online or text us at (901) 312-7899.

Your health guide for fall

The typical protocol for the cold and flu season looks a little different this year. And in a COVID-19 environment, staying healthy goes beyond washing your hands and wearing a mask. There are a lot of unknowns, but one thing is certain: We need to prioritize our health and strengthen our immune systems early. Read on to learn how.

Tip #1: Eat an anti-inflammatory, nutrient-dense diet

When it comes to your health, it’s better to be proactive than reactive. Now is the time to fuel your body with foods that prevent and fight disease. Do your meals contain a balance of healthy fats, carbs and vegetables or do you typically snack throughout the day on processed foods? How often do you consume alcoholic beverages? A quick self-evaluation of your diet and lifestyle can help you focus on problem areas and find solutions. Take a look at the anti-inflammatory, nutrient-dense foods listed below to see if you’re getting the vitamins you need to support your immune system.

Vitamin A: Carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin and squash
Vitamin B6: Salmon, tuna, leafy greens and chickpeas
Vitamin B12: Salmon, yogurt, eggs and meat
Vitamin C: Citrus fruits, bell peppers, kale, spinach and broccoli
Vitamin D: Salmon, tuna, fresh eggs and mushrooms
Vitamin E: Nuts, seeds and dark greens
Zinc: Yogurt, salmon and eggs

Tip #2: Support your body with supplements

The ideal scenario is for us to get a majority of the vitamins and minerals our bodies need through the food we eat, but that’s not always attainable. While taking supplements isn’t necessarily a quick fix, over time, a thoughtful selection of additional vitamins and minerals can optimize your immune health. If you want to check off more than one box, you may try a multivitamin. Or you may take a look at the foods listed above and evaluate which specific vitamins your body isn’t necessarily getting directly from your diet. Always consult your physician or nutritionist if you have supplement questions.

Tip #3: Practice self-care

Are you getting adequate sleep? Do you drink enough water throughout the day? How’s your exercise routine? Many studies show a correlation between a lack of sleep, water, or exercise with health problems and disease. Amid the pandemic, “self-care” has become quite the buzzword, but for good reason. How we prioritize our mental wellbeing has a powerful effect on our overall physical health. A self-care practice looks different for everyone but can be as simple as going to bed 30 minutes earlier or drinking a glass of water before breakfast. Whether it’s journaling, meditating, sinking into a book, or picking up a new craft, find something to support your mental health and practice it regularly. This is key to building resilience so that if/when a second wave of coronavirus occurs, or any other situation for that matter, you know how to manage the added stressors.

Ready to bring balance and vitality back into your life? Connect with us online or text us at (901) 312-7899.

Understanding pH Levels

Let’s face it: Some health-related topics go unaddressed. With minimal side effects initially, it’s easy for some things — like balancing your pH levels — to take a back seat. Especially when it feels like there are so many other (perhaps larger) issues to focus your energy on. But no matter how minor the issue may seem, it’s important to stay informed on how it could impact you long term.

What is pH?

Simply put, pH (potential of hydrogen) is the measure of acids and bases in your blood and other fluids. Our bodies are designed to naturally maintain a healthy balance between the two, helping the body function optimally and resist disease. However, if we don’t do our part to support the body during this process, we can run into problems. 

Your pH levels fluctuate, ranging anywhere from 0 to 14 depending on the type of fluid you’re measuring. For instance, your blood is naturally more alkaline or basic, while your stomach is generally more acidic. For scale, consider water, which has a pH level of 7. Anything below 7 is considered acidic, meaning there are more hydrogen ion compounds and anything higher than 7 is alkaline, meaning there are fewer hydrogen ion compounds.

What can happen if your pH levels aren’t balanced?

Believe it or not, too much acidity can weaken the body and cause toxins to multiply — leading to issues like diabetes, premature aging, and yeast overgrowth. Although on the other end of that, if you have too many bases in your body fluids, you may experience gastrointestinal problems or skin irritations. Our organs are always working to balance out pH levels — the kidneys and lungs playing a critical role in this process. But there’s always the potential for much worse symptoms to appear. 

For starters, if your body fluids become too acidic, you may experience acidosis. This means that your kidneys and lungs aren’t able to balance your pH levels like they should. There are numerous types to consider, including respiratory, metabolic, and lactic. On the other end of that, if your blood pH levels become too alkaline, you may experience alkalosis. This means that your body fluids contain too many bases. Again, there are several types of alkalosis to consider. No matter what type of acidosis or alkalosis, the earlier the issue is uncovered, the better the end result will be.

How can you restore and maintain healthy pH levels?

Unfortunately, you can’t always prevent a pH imbalance from happening. But there are preliminary steps you can take to reduce the risk. Look at your diet, for instance. Do you consume a lot of fruit? You may need to drink more water (a recommended 8-10 glasses per day) to keep your system in balance. Fruits aren’t the only acidic thing to look out for, though. Red meat, artificial sweeteners, and refined carbohydrates are highly acidic and more difficult to balance. If you consume these foods regularly, you may want to think twice. Incorporate more alkalizing foods like whole grains and healthy fats into your diet to make it more balanced. If testing shows you have a pH imbalance, there are medications and supplements to help you recover, but you should always consult your doctor for treatment.

Ready to bring balance and vitality back into your life? Connect with us online or give us a call (901) 312-7899.

4 Ways to Support Joint Health

Chronic joint pain affects millions of Americans every year. And while conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and physical injuries may be to blame, they aren’t the only identifier. So what else can cause joint pain and how can you overcome it? Before you reach for an over-the-counter drug for temporary relief, let’s talk about long-term solutions.

Eat right

Think about the last time you ate a greasy meal. You may have enjoyed it during the moment, but felt lethargic and uncomfortable afterward. And if you consistently eat foods cooked with excess oil, you could be on your way to a more serious condition like heart disease or diabetes. It’s no secret that what we put into our body impacts our health and quality of life. This rings true for joint pain as well.

Foods with processed sugar, gluten, or refined carbohydrates, for instance, aggravate the gut and cause inflammation in the body. As a result, you may experience limited mobility, stiffness, and joint pain. Luckily, there are many foods you can eat that help ease the symptoms of joint pain. If you’re new to an anti-inflammatory diet, adding salmon, berries, and leafy greens into your diet is a great place to start.

Incorporate low-impact exercises

If you have access to a physical therapist, they can guide you through a variety of ways to strengthen the muscles around the joints and improve your range of motion. No PT? No problem. There are plenty of low-impact workouts you can do from the comfort of your home or outdoors that don’t put added stress on your joints. Effective exercises may include biking, swimming, tai chi, or yoga. You may also find comfort in using a brace and taking frequent breaks during exercise. The key is to avoid staying stationary for an extended period of time. So if you’re someone who works at a desk all day, set reminders on your phone to stand up every hour or so and stretch.

Experiment with heat or cold therapy

If you’re searching for quick ways to relieve joint pain, look no further. Heat therapy is practiced widely to ease stiffness, while cold therapy helps reduce swelling. This dynamic duo goes hand-in-hand, so you can switch from one to another throughout the day. For heat treatment, hop in a warm tub for a 20-minute bath or relax on the couch with an electric blanket. For an easy and effective cold treatment, grab a bag of frozen vegetables from the freezer, wrap them in a towel, and apply it to the affected area.

Introduce vitamins and supplements

To naturally fight joint pain, many experts suggest adding vitamins and supplements into your diet. Some supplements can help prevent bones from rubbing against each other and strengthen the joints, while others can potentially reverse cartilage damage that’s already been done. Glucosamine, vitamin D, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids are just a handful of options. However, you should always consult with your doctor to see if vitamins and supplements are right for you.

Ready to bring balance and vitality back into your life? Connect with us online or give us a call 901-312-7899.