
Benefits of Meal Prepping

In today’s fast-paced world, where time is often a scarce commodity, the practice of meal prepping serves as a sustainable and simple solution for those seeking efficiency, health, and convenience in their daily lives. Meal prepping involves the planning, preparing, and packaging of meals ahead of time, offering a large variety of benefits that extend beyond just saving time in the kitchen. From promoting healthier eating habits to reducing food waste and saving money, the advantages of incorporating meal prepping into your lifestyle are endless. In this post, we will uncover the various benefits of meal prepping, highlighting its positive impact on health, finances, and overall well-being.

What is Meal Prep?

Meal prep is the concept of planning and preparing food ahead of time. One of the key elements to remember about meal prep is that there are no specific rules to follow. Whether you decide to prepare and freeze an entire week’s worth of meals or simply chop and package your side dishes ahead of time, meal prep should entail what works best for your specific needs. As with any practice, meal prep does require some time and dedication in your weekly routine. It’s been found that the average person spends about one hour cooking per day. By dedicating a few hours of meal prep for the entire week, you will find your evenings freed up to enjoy other activities and time with loved ones.

The Benefits of Meal Prep

As mentioned earlier, there are several benefits that come with planning your meals ahead of time – the first being physical health benefits. For many, the hustle and bustle of daily life can oftentimes lead us to make quick and convenience-based meal decisions that may not carry the essential nutrients our bodies need to lead a healthy lifestyle. By planning your meals ahead of time, you will have more control over the quality of food that you consume throughout the week, giving you ample opportunity to incorporate balanced and nourishing ingredients. For optimal health benefits, experts recommend a dietary composition of 25% protein, 25% carbohydrates, and 50% fruits and/or vegetables.

Aside from the physical benefits, there are several mental health benefits that can come from meal prepping. By planning ahead and eliminating hours spent in the kitchen, you will free yourself up to enjoy more time with loved ones or engage in activities that bring you happiness. Additionally, meal prepping removes the stress of quick decision-making – you can rest assured knowing that your meals are prepared with wholesome ingredients for you and your family.

Lastly are the financial benefits of meal prepping. There are moments in all of our lives where we are in a rush and make a quick stop at a fast food chain or at the store for a single-served meal. While this may save us time, it certainly does not save us money. In 2023, the average American spent about $148 per month on fast food alone. This number does not include dine-in restaurants or single-serve meal runs from the grocery store. Meal prepping will give you both time and money back!

Easy Ways to Start Meal Prepping

It may seem overwhelming to start meal prepping, but start small! Begin by jotting down a list of your favorite meals, breaking them down into specific ingredients that you can purchase in bulk. Once you have stocked up on your essentials, divide them into portioned containers for the week ahead.

Consider setting aside a designated day each week to handle all of your meal prepping. Having dedicated time to meal prep will help you to establish a routine and will make the process feel more manageable. Start with simple recipes that require minimal ingredients and preparation time. As you become more accustomed to meal prepping, you can start incorporating more complex dishes into your routine!

It is also helpful to label your containers with the meal date and time that you have cooked them. This will ensure freshness and support organization in your refrigerator and pantry. Another helpful tip is to take advantage of your appliances like slow cookers or Instant Pots – these helpful tools make meal prepping even easier! Ultimately, no matter where you start, you will quickly enjoy the benefits and convenience that meal prepping brings to your daily life.


Are you ready to bring balance and vitality back into your life? Exceed Hormone Specialists is here to help.
Connect with us online or give us a call at (901) 312-7899

Your Guide to Dieting and Meal Planning

Keeping up with the latest diet trends is difficult enough, but finding out which lifestyle is right for you can also be time-consuming. By now, you probably know someone who claims that the XYZ diet is the most favorable, but everyone is different. And so are our bodies. So how can you determine the right meal plan and lifestyle for you? It starts with understanding what options are out there. 


What we eat is essential to achieving optimal health. And for some, that means only consuming plant-based foods. This includes leafy greens, almond milk, beans, and whole grains. The vegan diet is focused on the nutrients you can find without consuming dairy, eggs, fish, or meat. And because many plant-based foods are naturally nutrient-dense already, following this diet allows you to truly optimize your mealtime and inevitably, your overall wellness. There are several variations of veganism, including vegetarianism which is less strict than veganism as it allows you to consume products like eggs and dairy. Similarly, pescatarians often consume fish as an added protein substitute. 


As a low-carb diet, the Keto lifestyle is focused on eliminating foods like sugar, bread, most fruits, and starchy vegetables. The reason for its popularity is its ability to help people lose weight and manage their blood sugar. However, there are a plethora of other benefits as well. Instead of eating carbohydrates, you get most of your energy through proteins and healthy fats. An example of a meal you might prepare on this diet would be a piece of salmon, cauliflower rice, and broccoli. For a snack, you might grab a cheese stick, hard-boiled egg, or a handful of nuts. While this lifestyle can come across as restricting, there are plenty of versatile, low-carb foods you can still enjoy. 


If you were born 10,000+ years ago, you might have followed what’s now known as the Paleo diet. 

To refine the list, think about anything that can be hunted or gathered. This includes fish, lean meats, fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Essentially, following this diet takes you back to what people used to eat before modern farm practices were introduced. While whole grains and legumes are cut from this diet, you still get a variety of nutrients from the number of fruits and vegetables you consume.  


Optimal health looks different for everyone, so while following any one of the diets we touched on plays a contributing role, finding a balance can also prove beneficial. For instance, you may choose to eat meatless products on Mondays, alter between Keto and Paleo throughout the rest of the week, and give yourself a bit of grace on weekends. Your primary care physician can help you determine the appropriate route based on your unique health goals. 

When meal planning, try to stick to a schedule. For instance, perhaps you plan your meals on Thursdays, shop for groceries on Saturday’s and prepare to batch cook meals on Sundays. This ensures you start the week off on the right foot. As you begin a new lifestyle change, recognize that it’s normal to fall out of your routine every now and then. Instead of getting down on yourself, look at each day as a new opportunity to be the best version of yourself. 

Ready to bring balance and vitality back into your life? Connect with us online or give us a call 901-312-7899.