Everyday Items Leading Women Into Early Menopause

Testosterone and estrogen are words you often see in the headlines. Sometimes it’s difficult to sort out the facts and identify the fiction. Even if you can figure out what is truth, it’s hard to know what to do with that information. Exceed Hormone Specialists is here to help you figure out what specifically applies (and doesn’t apply) to you.

A recent study reported a notable link between everyday chemicals and early menopause. Women who had higher levels of certain chemicals in their blood went through menopause two to four years earlier than women with lower levels. What does this mean for you and your family? Try eating local, organic fruits and vegetables. You can decrease the use of plastics in your home and keep them out of the microwave. Read more labels on cleaning products, cosmetics, and scented toiletries and keep a watchful eye in order to avoid phthalates. A friendly and informative resource is the Environmental Working Group website at ewg.org.

It’s important for you to evaluate where you are hormonally. Do you feel as good as you want to? Does your energy level sustain the demands of your daily life? First, look to the things you can change more easily to help your hormones. Give yourself enough hours to achieve restful sleep. Try to exercise more regularly than you have been. Decrease your daytime carbohydrate intake to even out your insulin/glucose balance. These modifications can make a real difference.

Maybe you have done all the things you know to do to achieve hormone balance. Perhaps you still don’t feel like the best version of yourself. No matter where you are in the spectrum of hormone imbalance (30 years old with no libido, 40 years old with no energy, 50 years old with hot flashes, 60 years old with clouded thinking, or 70 years old without stamina to exercise), we may be able to help you. Consider coming in to see us at Exceed Hormone Specialists. You can talk with me or Dr. Richard Pearson. We will do our best to work with you to come up with an individualized treatment plan – we want you to feel your absolute best.

Heather Pearson Chauhan, MD

A Free Consultation from Exceed

We’re all busy and can feel overwhelmed. Some of us even have the added stress of a life with hormonal issues. If this is you, we’d love to help.

Exceed Hormone Specialists offers free, 15-minute, one-on-one consultations at our Germantown office. We will review any lab work that is pertinent and you will have the opportunity to see if our practice is the kind of place you’re looking for.

We love introducing people to a new approach in hormone management that provides a real product with real, sustained benefits. So come and check out our office, visit with me or Dr. Richard Pearson, and see if Exceed is the right fit for you.

Call 901.312.7899 to schedule your free consultation.

Thank you,

Dr. Heather Chauhan

Official Grand Opening & Ribbon Cutting – December 16th

We are so excited to invite everyone to join the Germantown Chamber of Commerce & Exceed for our official ribbon cutting celebration on Tuesday, December 16th at 4pm at our offices on Second Street. An open house will follow until 6pm. We will have coffee, hot chocolate and snacks for everyone! We hope you can make it and look forward to meeting you!

Greetings From Exceed – We’re Here & Ready

I could not be more excited to share with you the news that Exceed Hormone Specialists is now open for business!

Exceed is staffed by full time specialists in gynecology and urology. We care for women and men with gynecology and urology concerns with a strong focus on hormone imbalance, bio-identical hormone therapy, sexual issues and the related loss of vitality.

On a personal note, my father and I are embarking on this adventure together because we truly believe in the power of a doctor-patient relationship built on trust and understanding. We know the best way to build those relationships is by spending face-to-face time with our patients, getting to know them and working with them to determine the best course of treatment for their hormone-related conditions.

While we are officially opening our doors in the coming weeks, we are already hard at work and available for questions, seminars and appointment scheduling.

Our site is filled with information about all of the hormone therapy services we offer, as well as resources for those wanting to know more about hormone-related conditions and treatments.

Our office at 7512 Second Street in Germantown is ready to take your calls! You can reach us five days a week at 901-312-7899 and you can email us anytime at info@ExceedHS.com.

We will be offering informational seminars about Bioidentical Hormone Therapy throughout the rest of the year, but the next available dates are:

Monday 11/3/14 at 10am;
Thursday 11/6/14 at 5:30pm; and
Monday 11/10/14 at both 10am and 5:30pm

These small-group seminars are intended to provide an overview of hormone imbalance and how bioidentical hormone therapy is used to treat it. Our board-certified physicians will provide insight from their years of training and experience, as well as answer any questions you might have. Contact the office to reserve a spot and find out the location.

We have so much more to share with you, but for now we wanted to say hello and encourage you to reach out to us. We’d love to meet you and find out what Exceed can do for you!

Heather Pearson Chauhan MD, FACOG