4 Ways to Protect Your Skin from Menopause

Skin care commercials can cause a lot of eye-rolling.

An older woman with perfectly-photoshopped skin uses a facial cream which gives her more perfectly-photoshopped skin. Miracle in a jar?

Doubt it. And we know you do too.

So, what can you do to protect your skin from the frustrating effects of menopause, like wrinkling, drying, breakouts, and itching?

Fortunately, perimenopause and menopause happen slowly over time, which means you don’t have to grab the first product off the shelf. You can get to know your skin (better) and find a routine that works for you.

Grow-Up Your Skincare Routine

How long has it been since you updated your skin care routine? If feathered bangs and tanning oil ring a bell, then it might be time to schedule a skin care consultation.

What worked for your skin at 15, 25, 35, and even 45 won’t cut it now that you’re going through menopause. Your estrogen levels have dropped which causes collagen, an essential protein in skin, to decrease too. Not to mention the loss of fat in your face that causes wrinkles.

We suggest skipping the guesswork and DIY tricks. Talk to a dermatologist to get customized recommendations and stay one step ahead of menopause.

Care for Your Whole Body (Not Just Your Face)

Your face isn’t the only part of your body that experiences changes. But, we probably don’t have to tell you twice.

Even if you keep your legs, thighs, and arms covered like it’s the dead of winter, your body needs some TLC. Drink eight glasses of water per day to flush your system. And moisturize every morning after showering to reclaim glow and counteract dryness.

You can also take Omega-3 fish oil supplements to lessen the impact of dryness.

Keep Your Skin Firm

As opposed to loosey-goosey, right? Of course, you want tight, youthful looking skin! But achieving this can seem daunting.

Don’t resign yourself just yet. Try using a glycolic acid moisturizer along with exfoliation to slough off age spots and rough skin. Be careful as glycolic can be irritating (which is why speaking with a dermatologist is important).

Second, invest in collagen-building cream to improve thickness and elasticity. You should also avoid collagen killers, like smoking, stress, poor hydration, and poor nutrition. And of course, we recommend hormone replacement therapy to help with declining skin elasticity.

Protect Your Skin from the Sun

Most importantly, retire that tanning oil and give SPF a job. Decreasing your exposure to the sun will not only reduce your chances of skin cancer but fortify your skin against further signs of aging. For optimal protection, try SPF 30 UVA/UVB.

Want the perfect solution to your skincare routine? Everyone you talk to will have a different opinion of what works and what doesn’t. There isn’t a wrong or right answer, but you should consider your overall health, skin type, lifestyle, and family history. And getting a personalized, custom recommendation from a healthcare professional will put you one step closer to a routine that fits you.