Combatting Low Energy and Fighting Fatigue

When we feel energized, we’re typically more productive, happier, and healthier — both physically and mentally. But when factors like menopause, andropause, thyroid issues, or nutrient deficiencies creep upon us, we can quickly feel depleted. Getting your energy back is possible. Here’s how:

Find balance

Exercise can help boost your energy levels, but did you know skipping rest days can lead to sleep issues? Similarly, while sleep is key to healthy aging, too much can lead to depression or cognitive impairment and actually increases your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. And while a protein-rich diet is encouraged — especially as a way to maintain muscle and bone health — too much can elevate cholesterol levels. Find a balance that works with your lifestyle and stick to it for the best results.

Stay hydrated

Many of us don’t drink enough water throughout the year, but with warmer months just around the corner, staying hydrated is even more important. Dehydration can leave you feeling drained and fatigued. If you’re having difficulty committing to a recommended 60+ ounces per day, try adding a handful of raspberries or splash of lemon juice and leaving the jug in the fridge overnight.

Hit the pause button

Trying to manage competing priorities at work or at home? You may even be tackling both. Aside from the mental fatigue, this can quickly bring to the table, you have to consider how much the stress plays a role in your physical health as well. Lighten your load when possible and find ways to cope with the everyday stressors you can anticipate. This may include relaxing habits like reading or meditation. Among the countless benefits, slowing your breathing can provide more oxygen to the blood — improving your energy levels.

Support your hormones

When our hormone levels are imbalanced, we often feel moody and less energized. In combination with the recommendations highlighted above, Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) can be part of the solution.

Ready to bring balance and vitality back into your life? Connect with us online or give us a call 901-312-7899.

Your Guide to Aging Gracefully

Wrinkles are a normal part of the aging process, but aging gracefully requires more than just a hydrating skin care routine. As you grow older, you may experience additional roadblocks, including low libido, decreased memory, and mood swings. While these issues may initially feel insignificant, they can dramatically impact your day-to-day life. Here’s how to get ahead and bring vitality back into your life.

Increase your libido

Hormones play a key role in sexual health. While you may experience a decrease in estrogen, progesterone and testosterone levels with age, that doesn’t mean you have to experience the potential side effects. Our hormones are responsible for regulating a myriad of things — sexual functioning being one of them. When these levels are imbalanced, low libido is often one of the symptoms. So how can you avoid this? Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) is a good place to start. Some men have also found herbs and minerals like Maca, Korean Red Ginseng and Zinc to be helpful, natural supplements.

Improve your memory

We often talk about ways to improve your cardiovascular health through physical exercise, but what about stimulating your mind? It can feel simpler to sit down and watch a mindless television show, and sometimes after a long day, that’s what we need most. But it’s all about finding a balance. Challenging yourself to something that stimulates the mind — whether that be picking up an instrument, trying a crossword puzzle, or practicing a new language — can significantly stimulate new connections between nerve cells.

Balance your mood

Just as our hormones impact our libido, they can also significantly help or hinder our mood.  Oftentimes, when our libido is low, we may also feel moody, have difficulty sleeping and experience low energy. There are several long-term practices you can start today to kick bad moods to the curb. Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet with limited caffeine intake is your first step. You may also consult your doctor about vitamin supplements. And as always, exercise and proper sleep will help maintain healthy hormone levels and ultimately, improve your mood and reduce stress.

Ready to bring balance and vitality back into your life? Connect with us online or give us a call 901-312-7899.

Setting New Year Intentions

The start of a new year is often an exciting time and an opportunity for reflection as many of us look back on the year prior and evaluate what worked (and what may not have). However, it can potentially bring an overwhelming feeling of stress about how we can be better moving forward. Changing your lifestyle is about baby steps, so follow these tips to create healthy habits that last.

Recognize your achievements

Upon reflecting on the past year, it can be easy to look down on yourself for fallbacks. But it’s important to remember how far you’ve come already. Perhaps a year ago you didn’t drink as much water or take frequent enough walks. Take note of the achievements you’ve made — no matter how small. Doing so will empower you to take more steps towards your end goal. Remember: change is not possible overnight, so the progress you made in 2021 is important to acknowledge.

Be intentional

As you start setting goals for the new year, think short and long term. There are 365 days for you to get that much closer to the best version of yourself. You may try breaking the year into chunks — perhaps in three-month increments. This will help you see your goals more clearly and make them more attainable.

For example, from January to March, you may strive towards 8 cups of water each day. From April to June, introduce a new exercise routine 3-5 days per week. During the months of July through September, motivate yourself to improve your gut health. Then close out the year by practicing meditation or journaling every day before bed. There are plenty of fun ways to prioritize a healthy lifestyle, so don’t be afraid to get creative with your approach.

Give yourself some grace

There will be days when you don’t eat enough vegetables or skip a workout, but that doesn’t mean you’re not on your way to a better lifestyle. Several things can get in the way of our health journey, including lack of sleep, financial concerns, problems at work, or trouble at home. Occasional slip-ups are part of the process, so when they happen, give yourself some grace. It won’t take long for your consistent practices to become habits. And the healthier you become physically and mentally, the more resilient you are to handle life stressors.


Ready to bring balance and vitality back into your life? Connect with us online or give us a call 901-312-7899.

How to Have a Healthy and Happy Holiday Season

The holidays are a time for joy, love, and laughter. But unfortunately for many, these special occasions can cause a level of anxiety that’s only been heightened by the pandemic. Navigating the mental, financial, and food-related challenges around the holiday season can be tricky. No matter what your holiday looks like, these simple tips will help you through it. 

Stay present and engaged

Set boundaries — COVID-related or otherwise — for holiday parties ahead of time and check in with yourself periodically. This time of year can be chaotic. When you need a break — whether it be from the food, the people, or the shopping — take it. Even better, schedule time for self-care before the stress sets in. Your calendar is likely filling up quickly, so don’t be afraid to step back and recharge, even if that means politely declining party invites. 

Avoid food restriction

While it may seem counterintuitive, try not to restrict anything from your diet this season. Avoid putting foods on your plate because they’re “healthy” or choosing small portions out of guilt. This will likely leave you hungry and unsatisfied — potentially causing you to overindulge on dessert or leftovers later. Stick to a healthy lifestyle and your normal routine 80% of the time, and allow yourself to enjoy the other 20%. If you do end up overeating, take a walk and drink a glass of water to reset. Balance is key. 

Choose gratitude

When the holiday season gets hectic, it can be easy to forget about the simple pleasures life has to offer: family; friends; plenty of food; a place to call home. This feels particularly true when we’re running around the mall shopping for gifts. Setting aside time to focus on what you’re grateful for will help remind you what this time of year is truly about. 

Let go of expectations

This may be the first time you’re reuniting with distant family or friends after a holiday in lockdown last year. This may also still be a time of financial stress due to the pandemic. While a sense of “normalcy” may be a bit ambitious, allow yourself to celebrate the best way you can given the unique circumstances


Ready to bring balance and vitality back into your life? Connect with us online or give us a call 901-312-7899.

What You Need to Know About Bladder Health

Talking about bladder health may feel embarrassing at first, but managing it has never been more important. As we approach National Bladder Health Awareness Month, take the opportunity to get educated on the prevention, detection, and treatment of urologic diseases. Common conditions like overactive bladder and urinary tract infections affect millions of people every day. But following three simple steps can help you regain control of your bladder health and bring vitality back into your life.

Modify your lifestyle

Everyone’s bodies are different, so their lifestyles should be too. But a few rules of thumb remain true across the board: Drink more water, eat less red meat, introduce more greens. Consuming 6 cups of water per day can prevent kidney stones and watching what you eat is always essential. One idea that’s often overlooked is to get familiar with your family history. How much do you know about your father’s background? What about your grandmother’s health journey? Some urological issues can be impacted by smoking, such as kidney cancer or kidney stones. But others can be hereditary and sometimes preventable. Knowing where you stand will help you recognize the signs of any issues and get ahead of them.

Manage your stress

Did you know that managing your blood pressure can help decrease your risk of kidney disease? Our kidneys are vital to filtering waste and excess fluid from the blood and when they’re performing poorly, a potentially dangerous amount can build up in the body. Although because many symptoms develop over time, you may not be diagnosed until it’s too late. If you encounter frequent stress at work or at home, one way to prevent kidney disease is by finding healthy ways to cope with that stress. Mindfulness meditation — the practice of focusing your attention on your breath and the present moment — helps lower stress hormones and your blood pressure.

Prioritize exercise

A healthy heart can promote a healthy urologic system. That means getting 30 minutes of movement each day, at least 5 days a week. But don’t worry, it doesn’t take an expensive gym membership or high-intensity interval training to get the job done. There are plenty of ways to exercise at home or outside. Yoga in your bedroom when you first wake up, walking around your neighborhood before dinner, or doing chores around the house all “counts” as movement. Try to make it intentional, perhaps even bringing your significant other in on the fun.

Ready to bring balance and vitality back into your life? Connect with us online or give us a call 901-312-7899.

Healthy Together: How to Build a Lifestyle You and Your Partner Can Stick to

If you’ve ever been inspired by a friend or colleague to get healthy, you know how exciting it can be to begin your own health journey. That initial inspiration can be enough to get started, but it’s not always enough to keep you going. Whether it’s a lack of resources or time or a lack of motivation, we’ve all been there. That’s what makes accountability and adaptability essential. 


Research shows that if we have someone alongside us cooking healthy meals or working out, we’ll experience a higher chance of long-term success — not only in reaching but maintaining our health goals. If you’re inspired to follow a healthy lifestyle and have someone to hold you accountable, you’re much more likely to go to that workout class, or cook dinner instead of ordering takeout. It starts with creating a plan and having a reliable partner you can lean on for support. Work together to meal prep every Tuesday, or sign up for the same boot camp class on Saturday mornings. When you know someone — in this case, a loved one — is depending on you, you feel more inclined to show up for them. As a result, you show up for yourself. Not only that but spending time building healthy habits together will strengthen your relationship emotionally and build stronger connections with one another. 


There will be days when you don’t have time to exercise, or nights out with friends that don’t necessarily provide healthy meal options. This is perfectly okay! Be willing to adapt in ways that work best for you and your partner based on the unique circumstances that may come your way. The key is setting those boundaries ahead of time. Make note of any upcoming travel, hectic work weeks, etc. so you can plan ahead. Choose one day per week to give yourself some grace. Or have plan B’s for occasional slip-ups with your diet so you can easily shift.

Ready to bring balance and vitality back into your life? Connect with us online or give us a call at 901-312-7899.

How to Keep Your Brain Healthy and Young

As we age, it’s natural for us to become more absentminded. You may lose track of your keys more frequently or find yourself walking into a room only to forget why. But there’s a chance these minor inconveniences can progressively become worse and start to impact your day-to-day life. You may forget important dates, find it difficult to solve problems or feel lost doing tasks you would normally consider to be routine. 

Far too few people consider how to approach common memory-related issues early on. But it’s never been more important. Dementia is on the rise, with more than 6 million Americans over the age of 65 living with Alzheimer’s today. While there may not be a cure yet, there are several steps you can take to improve your brain health and keep your memory sharp.

Rely less on technology

As artificial intelligence (AI) technology continues to evolve, it will become easier for us to depend on it for things we previously relied on our memory for. For instance, family members’ phone numbers are saved in our contacts, we can now ask our home devices to relay our grocery list, and so on. Almost everything we need to remember can be saved on our electronic devices. But at what cost? 

Stimulate your brain

Similarly to ways we keep our bodies in shape — yoga, walking, lifting weights — we need to do the same for our brain. To keep your memory sharp, challenge yourself to daily word puzzles or math problems. You may also test your memory by reading a chapter in a book and then summarizing what happened. Put pen to paper for double the benefit. In addition, pick up a new hobby that encourages creativity, like painting or drawing. Stimulating the brain this way can create new connections between nerve cells and improve your overall brain health. 

Follow physical health best practices

Many researchers have studied meditation and its ability to improve general well-being. And that includes cognitive performance and emotional balance. Proper sleep, nutrition, and exercise also play a role. In fact, they help ensure you experience less stress, which is important because stress hormones put a strain on your brain. 

If you notice a slow decline in your memory, thinking, or reasoning skills, schedule a health screening with your primary care physician. Especially if you’re over the age of 65, have been diagnosed with another health issue such as diabetes, or have a family history of cognitive illness.

Ready to bring balance and vitality back into your life? Connect with us online or give us a call at 901-312-7899.

How to Boost Your Mood

So, you’re in a bad mood. Now what? It’s not unusual to be in a negative headspace occasionally, but if poor moods have become a normal occurrence for you, it’s time to gain some clarity. Sometimes, it can be difficult to home in on what specifically triggers feelings of irritability, sluggishness, or hopelessness. Chronic stress or your aging body can certainly play a role. But often, a lifestyle change is all you need to feel better, more positive, and healthy again.

Focus on the present moment

The way individuals cope with a bad mood differs. Many of us look for distractions to shift the focus from what’s actually going on. This may mean disengaging from friends, increased social media usage, oversleeping, or calling off work. By shifting our attention to the present moment and accepting what is, we gain an awareness of our emotions, which ultimately leads to less stress. And when we feel less stressed, we tend to have improved memory, decreased blood pressure, reduced inflammation, and more positive experiences.

Journaling your daily thoughts or following a mindful meditation practice can help. Practice consistently, even if for just 15 minutes a day. Another way to focus on the present moment is to get outside and enjoy nature. Hiking is just one outdoor activity that can reduce stress and anxiety, fight depression, and promote overall well-being.

Consider Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)

Our hormones play a key role in regulating our bodies, and that includes balancing our moods. You may be wondering where the connection is. First off, when our hormone levels are imbalanced, low libido is often one of the symptoms. When our libido is low, that’s usually coupled with a feeling of moodiness. But oftentimes, a lifestyle change is all you need to feel better and more energized.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) is one of the many options that benefits your mind and body; bringing zest and vitality back into your life. As a safer and more effective form of therapy, BHRT can relieve a myriad of symptoms you may be experiencing — from low libido to depression. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach, so connect with a licensed specialist for more insight.

Ready to bring balance and vitality back into your life? Connect with us online or give us a call at 901-312-7899.

Why You May be Suffering From Migraines and How to Find Relief

If you’ve ever suffered from a migraine, you know how debilitating they can be. Aside from head pain, you may also experience nausea or sensitivity to light and sound. In many cases, the symptoms become so severe it’s nearly impossible to be productive or enjoy time with loved ones. According to the World Health Organization, most migraines affect those between 35 and 45 years of age. But despite how common migraines are for this age group, they are often mistreated.

Properly treating a migraine requires an understanding of their underlying cause, which can vary for each individual. For many, a “band-aid solution” is to grab an over-the-counter medication with acetaminophen. While this may temporarily relieve the pain, it doesn’t help you understand the root problem. Not only that, but regularly resorting to this option can be potentially damaging to your body over time.

The cause of migraines

The journey to migraine relief will be unique to everyone, but there are several themes to keep an eye on. Stress is one of them. If you consistently experience stress — whether it’s related to work, your personal life, or a mental health disorder — you’re not alone. Lack of sleep is another common reason for persistent migraines. There’s also a potential for a food intolerance or nutrient deficiencies that’s only recently developed as our bodies are constantly changing. In fact, hormonal imbalances can play a role, particularly in women because migraines are more common for them than men.

How to find relief

You may not notice an immediate change, but over time, the practice of meditation can actually lower your stress hormones. Introducing meditation in your daily routine can help mitigate the frequency of migraines and manage those you may experience in the future. And you don’t have to jump headfirst into a practice. Start small with 10 minutes of quiet time before you pick up your devices in the morning or try relaxing breathing exercises before bed. Focus on deep inhales and long, slow exhales.

Paying close attention to what triggers stress for you, as well as what may be impacting your sleep schedule is key. For instance, caffeine, alcohol, or sugar may give you energy for a brief period of time. But too much of them, or consuming them at the wrong times of day can leave you feeling irritable and imbalanced.

In general, it’s a good idea to take an honest look at how you can improve your diet to stay clear-headed. Various foods and beverages not only impact your sleep but take up space (in your body and mind) you otherwise could be using as long-term fuel for your body.

As we near the end of National Migraine and Headache Awareness Month (MHAM), let us know which tips you have already implemented in your life and which you intend to start.

Ready to bring balance and vitality back into your life? Connect with us online or give us a call at 901-312-7899.

Your Guide to Dieting and Meal Planning

Keeping up with the latest diet trends is difficult enough, but finding out which lifestyle is right for you can also be time-consuming. By now, you probably know someone who claims that the XYZ diet is the most favorable, but everyone is different. And so are our bodies. So how can you determine the right meal plan and lifestyle for you? It starts with understanding what options are out there. 


What we eat is essential to achieving optimal health. And for some, that means only consuming plant-based foods. This includes leafy greens, almond milk, beans, and whole grains. The vegan diet is focused on the nutrients you can find without consuming dairy, eggs, fish, or meat. And because many plant-based foods are naturally nutrient-dense already, following this diet allows you to truly optimize your mealtime and inevitably, your overall wellness. There are several variations of veganism, including vegetarianism which is less strict than veganism as it allows you to consume products like eggs and dairy. Similarly, pescatarians often consume fish as an added protein substitute. 


As a low-carb diet, the Keto lifestyle is focused on eliminating foods like sugar, bread, most fruits, and starchy vegetables. The reason for its popularity is its ability to help people lose weight and manage their blood sugar. However, there are a plethora of other benefits as well. Instead of eating carbohydrates, you get most of your energy through proteins and healthy fats. An example of a meal you might prepare on this diet would be a piece of salmon, cauliflower rice, and broccoli. For a snack, you might grab a cheese stick, hard-boiled egg, or a handful of nuts. While this lifestyle can come across as restricting, there are plenty of versatile, low-carb foods you can still enjoy. 


If you were born 10,000+ years ago, you might have followed what’s now known as the Paleo diet. 

To refine the list, think about anything that can be hunted or gathered. This includes fish, lean meats, fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Essentially, following this diet takes you back to what people used to eat before modern farm practices were introduced. While whole grains and legumes are cut from this diet, you still get a variety of nutrients from the number of fruits and vegetables you consume.  


Optimal health looks different for everyone, so while following any one of the diets we touched on plays a contributing role, finding a balance can also prove beneficial. For instance, you may choose to eat meatless products on Mondays, alter between Keto and Paleo throughout the rest of the week, and give yourself a bit of grace on weekends. Your primary care physician can help you determine the appropriate route based on your unique health goals. 

When meal planning, try to stick to a schedule. For instance, perhaps you plan your meals on Thursdays, shop for groceries on Saturday’s and prepare to batch cook meals on Sundays. This ensures you start the week off on the right foot. As you begin a new lifestyle change, recognize that it’s normal to fall out of your routine every now and then. Instead of getting down on yourself, look at each day as a new opportunity to be the best version of yourself. 

Ready to bring balance and vitality back into your life? Connect with us online or give us a call 901-312-7899.